Basic Programming Principles: YAGNI, KISS and DRY
YAGNI is an acronym in software development that stands for “You Ain’t Gonna Need It.” It is a principle of agile and software engineering that advises developers not to implement features, functionality, or optimizations in their codebase until those additions are necessary to meet the current requirements or user needs.
In other words, YAGNI suggests avoiding premature or speculative development efforts.
The YAGNI principle is closely related to other agile and software development principles, such as “Keep It Simple, Stupid” (KISS) and “Minimum Viable Product” (MVP). It emphasizes the importance of focusing on the immediate needs of a project and not wasting time or resources on features or code that may never be used.
In the context of Java programming (or any other programming language), adhering to the YAGNI principle means:
Avoiding Overengineering: Developers should resist the temptation to add complexity, extra features, or optimizations to their code base without concrete evidence that these additions are required. This helps maintain code simplicity and reduces the risk of introducing unnecessary bugs or maintenance challenges.
Prioritizing Requirements: Developers should prioritize implementing the features and functionality currently defined in…